Explosion Cladding Plates
For years, we have been supplying the petrochemical and power-power generation industries with several types of the following pressure vessel explosive cladding plates, which are produced in accordance with ASME SA263, SA264 and SA265 standards. Our explosion clad steel plate is the answer to, well, almost any problem that designers face when working in demanding industries like construction and chemical processing. If your business need a more corrosive-resistant steel? Need a metal that’s strong and costs less to produce? If the problem or specification is unique, you’ll find a clad plate solution that combines the best of two metals to create a far superior material. But, before we get into the benefits of using clad plate, let’s start with a clear definition. Please feel free to contact us, if your company needs any cladding plates.
Alloy Steel
Stainless Steel
Copper and Copper Alloy
Titanium and Titanium Alloy
Nickel and Nickel Alloy
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Stainless Steel
Various Cladding Plates
We can manufacture and supply various explosion cladding and roll-bonded clad metal plate for high
performance pressure vessel applications. We have been supplying our customers with up to several layers of different metal for the petrochemical industries.